When we returned from the Term 1 holidays we found ourselves fenced and walled in, as if Donald Trump had invaded J-Block.

We weren't sure whether we were re-building a school or establishing a deer farm!
Then they started cutting down our trees.
Fortunately President Trump has told us that Global Warming is "fake news", so who needs trees anyway?

Actually . . . WE DO

Then they demolished the old Administration block . . .
. . . except for the strongroom, which still appears "safe".
Next they took down our covered walkway
. . . followed closely by our old library (finally, as it's been closed for ages).
It's all becoming very exciting . . . after the "hurry up and wait" from Term 1 we are really seeing some true progress in Term 2.
We now can't wait for them to clear away the rubble and start actually BUILDING something . . . ANYTHING.
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