
Tuesday 3 July 2018

Mascot House Challenge - By Lyan

In week 7 - 8, there was a Mascot Challenge for the houses, which are Shelford, Setu, Turner and lastly Lewis.  We had to build a mascot that represents not only your house but Mana Horomaka and many more.  There was also a challenge on how many people can participate or just watch.

My house was Shelford, Mr Mitchell and many other people from Shelford shred their ideas for us to create an amazing mascot, although some parts of it look creepy.  Here are some pictures  of  the event, Please Enjoy!

Thursday 14 June 2018

The Revolution tour - Lyan

This week at Hornby High School, a special event happened , the Revolution tour had came to our school.  The revolution tour is a program were a bunch of amazing people brings a transformational message about hope and life.  Their aim is to give young people strategies for solving problems and building positive relationships. 

Sunday 4 March 2018

World Famous in Hornby

Last Year students from Hornby Primary were selected to star in Air New Zealand's latest in-flight safety video.  Two of  these students are now in 7Mt: Lyan and Mikayla.

This is the video that will be shown on all Air New Zealand flights from now on:

Good job girls . . . next step: Hollywood.

2018 Athletics Sports

The Hornby High School Athletics Sports were held on Friday 2 March. Here are some photos that were taken on the day by Mr Rogers (our Deputy Principal):

It was a great day and everyone who took part had a lot of fun. Our big thanks go to Mr Hilliard who was responsible for organizing this wonderful whole-school event for us.

2018 Class Treaty - by Zayd Milner

This term we have made our Class Treaty. The format of the Class Treaty is based on the Treaty of Waitangi and we had to agree on all of the rules for our values, Commitment, Achievement, Resilience, Respect.

Then we had to sign our names on the treaty to agree with the treaty rules. 

 These are the rules we agreed on.


  1. We will always be learning-ready with the right gear and the right uniform.
  2. We will always be thinking about the right thing at the right time. 
  3. We will always set our goals higher than our current personal best. 
  4. We will always concentrate on the task at hand and not get distracted. 
  5. We will always say what we mean and mean what we say.


  1. We will always set goals and work hard to achieve them. 
  2. We will always try our best and if we don’t succeed we will learn from our mistakes. 
  3. We will always make sure our work is our personal best. 
  4. We will always have our work done on time and done to the best of our ability. 
  5. We will always work towards the next level in our learning.


  1. We will always have a growth mindset with all of our learning. 
  2. We will always try harder when things are hard. 
  3. We will never give up when things don’t work out, and we will always try harder next time. 
  4. We will always believe in ourselves and keep moving forward with our learning. 
  5. We will always accept new challenges and never give up on ourselves.


  1. We will always accept other people’s appearance, cultures and beliefs. 
  2. We will always have self-respect and treat other people the way we want to be treated. 
  3. We will always listen to understand, not to reply. 
  4. We will always treat personal and school equipment and property with respect. 
  5. We will always treat the environment as our home.